Are you getting in enough bedtime reading with your children? Don’t let the busyness of your family and work-life separate you from the wonders of snuggling up–with your child(ren) and a good book. One of the best things that you can do with your children is to read bedtime stories together. There are many, many...Read More
Plagiarism, cheating, and other academic dishonesty are rightly taken very seriously by schools and universities. The problem is not new, of course, though plagiarism is easier in a digital world. Students often don’t make the connection between using information (which is what they do with apps and the internet quite seamlessly) and being academically dishonest....Read More
Almost everyone (even you!) procrastinates about something. People even claim that they do their best work under the stress of the last minute. Procrastination is a workable and even adaptive strategy when tasks require just a few steps, only basic skills, when the stakes are low, and when the need for depth of processing is...Read More
You probably know someone who needs a Mindset Makeover. They may have developed highly adaptive energy shields. These adaptations make it possible for them to hide, operating “under the radar” where they think their difficulties will not be spotted by others. People who fly under the radar, however, may be missing out on growth and...Read More