
Sherri W. Fisher

Feedback Doesn’t Have to Be Ouchy

“Turn your fast listening on,” Mira chirped as Ryan slowly looked up from his computer screen. A newer risk analyst on the team, Ryan had already stopped processing what he called “incoming”, his term for the rat-a-tat of critical feedback his manager, Mira, delivered in the 5-minute 1 to 1 they had each Thursday. This...
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A Business Case for Compassion in Your Work Team

In today’s fast-paced business environment, executive function challenges are more prevalent than we might realize. These challenges—from difficulties in time management to problems with emotional regulation—can significantly impact an employee’s performance and overall well-being. However, when addressed with compassion and strategic support, they present unique opportunities for fostering a more inclusive, growth-oriented workplace culture. And...
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Why Me – Always – Everything??

A meeting that was supposed to be a quick check-in had turned into a two-hour debacle, a key project was now behind schedule despite her team’s apparent best efforts, and Kendra, manager of a cross-functional team at an IT company, was dreading more problems at home, with two teens, two dogs, and a partner away...
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Your Negative World Beliefs Impact Your Life Satisfaction and Well-Being, and Adversely Affect Young People

There are different ways to understand life satisfaction.  One idea, called the bottom-up approach, suggests that life satisfaction is a general feeling based on specific areas of life, like work, family, and recreation pursuits.  Another idea, the top-down approach, suggests that life satisfaction is part of a person’s stable (temperament) characteristics.  Another explanation might be...
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Unlock YOUR Leadership Potential: Empower Team Members with ADHD and Executive Function Challenges

Effective leadership means understanding and leveraging the unique strengths of every team member. For those with ADHD and executive function challenges, your thoughtful leadership can help turn struggle into engagement and teamwork.   Here are three key strategies with a variety of tactical approaches to foster an inclusive and productive work environment for everyone: Lead...
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Is That (distracting) Thought Helping You or Hurting You?

Have you ever felt like you just couldn’t focus? Are you attracted to all the shiny things at least sometimes? If you’re human, the answer is yes! Our brains, engorged with way more information that we can handle in one moment, often skip from thought to thought. Being distracted – or unable to concentrate because...
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Wealth and Wellbeing: Gardening Cultivates More Than Plants

At various points in its growth cycle, my garden can look like any of the small photos in the bigger collage. Why do I garden, which could be just one more job? In the midst of the hustle and bustle of “real” life, finding meaning and purpose can sometimes feel like an elusive goal. However,...
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Admiration, Happiness, and Meaning: How to Get All Three

Maybe you know Henry, my Golden Retriever. He’s a licensed therapy dog who revels in visiting residents in dementia care. He works on a dog/handler team who make weekly (or more) visits to vulnerable people who are behind locked doors for the rest of their life. Through no fault of their own, as they descend...
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When Your Child is a Forgetter/Part Two: A Tale from the Realm of ChatGPT

In Part One, our tale of woe ended with “What could work?” True confessions, that was nine posts ago, so clearly I forgot to follow up, which is the topic of this post. I thought I’d have fun with a writing partner this time. Part Two is a collaboration between Chat GPT and me. Enjoy...
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How to Max Perseverance by Understanding the Power of Your Beliefs

Do you struggle to persevere at challenging tasks? While external factors like skills, resources, and opportunities certainly play a role, how you perceive and believe in your own abilities to tackle  tasks can significantly impact your level of persistence. Did you know that an intricate dance is continually occurring between your beliefs and your actions...
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