

How To Get From Gap Year To Growth Year, Step 2: Be Realistic

If you’re inclined to answer the question of, “To gap year, or not to gap year?” with “Gap year, heck yes!” read on (if undecided on the gap year question, click here). You are committed to designing next year as a self-selected project where you build skills and enhance your opportunities for the future. You...
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How to Get from Gap Year to Growth Year, Step 1: Be Strategic

You hear the siren song of the road less traveled. Perhaps you want to teach English in Indonesia. Maybe you’ve resolved to join protests decrying a social injustice, or feel called to volunteer for a cause core to your values. It could be that you’re hungry for meaning, growth, and adventure, and are not convinced diving straight...
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Mind the Gap (Year): Should You Take a Year Off?

If you are about to cross the finish line of high school (and even if you’re a bit behind or beyond that mark), you may be contemplating taking a gap year. What is a gap year? What is(n’t) it good for? Is it for you? How you answer these questions could change the course of...
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How to Retain More Students to Graduation: Embed Success Science

Samiha is a college freshman. Despite coming from a home with limited financial resources, Samiha was able to develop her artistic talents through part-time work in a local shop where she made weekly changes to the display window. With the help of a school counselor Samiha created an art portfolio and was accepted to a...
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Why You Need to Shine the Light on Your Star Quality

Do you remember the last time people praised you for doing a great job, but all you could think about were the things you could have done better? Because our brains are hardwired to see and solve problems, it’s normal and natural for us to gravitate towards the negative. When stuck in self-critic mode, though,...
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What Is Positive Education?

Learning is challenging, especially for students with attention, organization and special learning needs. It’s not about happiness all the time. Positive Education doesn’t mean that you will be happy the whole time that you are learning, either. Instead, it is the scientific study and application of research findings from Positive Psychology and other related areas to education...
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