What Is Positive Education?

Learning is challenging, especially for students with attention, organization and special learning needs. It’s not about happiness all the time. Positive Education doesn’t mean that you will be happy the whole time that you are learning, either. Instead, it is the scientific study and application of research findings from Positive Psychology and other related areas to education outcomes. There is even a professional organization, IPEN, that has set about bringing the field to worldwide awareness. The organization’s three goals are to:

  • Reform education policy at the highest levels
  • Change education practice at the classroom level
  • Support collaboration among researchers and practitioners

Is this just one more thing for politicians and researchers to tell teachers to do? No, it’s not. Positive Psychology is now 20 years old. Your students are already are affected by related well-being research, including applications of character strengths education, mindfulness, mindset,  GRIT, and resilience which are widely applied in schools.

Learn how to unleash your strengths superpowers from Positive Education experts this year.


One way is to sign up for a class or event. At the Motivated Child Summit, you can hear 20 speakers for FREE online, including me.  Besides being motivation experts, nine of us are Positive Psychology trained, too. That’s

  • 20 experts offering over 50 practical tools and insights to help kids cultivate motivation
  • Over 20 hours of inspiring interviews packed full of powerful strategies and transformative interventions which really work
  • Downloadable transcripts, audio, and additional resources
  • Lifetime access to The Motivated Child Summit to go through in your own time at your own pace. Give yourself “top-ups” whenever you feel the need!
  • Exclusive bonus material

There’s also the Bright&Quirky Summit. While not specifically seen through the lens of Positive Education, this event includes Positive Education practitioners and researchers, including Scott Barry Kaufman, author of Ungifted: Intelligence Redefined.

  • FREE 7-days online
  • 28 expert interviews
  • Powerful insights and strategies from leading experts in giftedness, ADHD, autism/aspergers, anxiety and learning differences.

Learn & Flourish is the first Learning Specialist provider to offer parents and students Positive Education Coaching. Our POS-EDGE® Model is used internationally. It’s Where Happiness Meets Success®Contact us today.






About the author

Sherri Fisher, MEd, MAPP, executive coach and learning specialist, delivers personalized strategies that unlock cognitive strengths, challenge behavioral myths, and empower unique learning potential at work, school, and home. She has decades of successful experience working with students, parents, and professionals who face learning, attention, and executive function challenges at school, home, and work.

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