Why You Need to Shine the Light on Your Star Quality

Do you remember the last time people praised you for doing a great job, but all you could think about were the things you could have done better? Because our brains are hardwired to see and solve problems, it’s normal and natural for us to gravitate towards the negative. When stuck in self-critic mode, though, it’s almost impossible to be creative, work effectively, or feel good. The good news is that you can choose to shine the spotlight of attention on the best in yourself.

To shift your focus to what’s best about you, start by identifying what you like and value about yourself. List as many of your positive traits that you can think of, and put a star by your top 3-5. These are your star qualities, those parts of yourself that when you use them make you feel energetic, attractive, awesome, and ready to achieve whatever you set your mind to.

Looking at your star qualities and supporting cast (the other positive traits), ask yourself, “How can I help these to shine more brightly, more often, every day?” Brainstorm as many ideas as possible, whether they are big or small, at home or out in the world. Each day, challenge yourself to use these new, creative ways to help your best shine through everything you do. Notice the effect this has on your mood, confidence, effectiveness, and relationships with others. 

For more about what’s best about you, visit the VIA Institute on Character and take the strengths questionnaire there.

If you keep training your star qualities, you will help yourself develop into the star that you can be. Not sure how to get STARted? We can help!

About the author

Sherri Fisher, MEd, MAPP, executive coach and learning specialist, delivers personalized strategies that unlock cognitive strengths, challenge behavioral myths, and empower unique learning potential at work, school, and home. She has decades of successful experience working with students, parents, and professionals who face learning, attention, and executive function challenges at school, home, and work.

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