mindset makeover

Should You Blow Their Cover?

You probably know someone who needs a Mindset Makeover.

They may have developed highly adaptive energy shields. These adaptations make it possible for them to hide, operating “under the radar” where they think their difficulties will not be spotted by others. People who fly under the radar, however, may be missing out on growth and learning while they avoid future shame and embarrassment. If you are a practitioner (or parent) helping them, this means making a choice: Should you blow their cover?


Isn’t that harsh, you ask?


Why? Because as long as you are taking cover from your challenges, it will be very hard to buy into the behavior changes that accompany new habits and skills. If someone is going to make changes, whether for learning or for work, they need to know both why and how. You might have to be gentle at first, building the rapport that is important to relationship success. Ultimately, though, your client (or child) needs to know that change is hard, but not impossible. In fact, there are strategies that work with strengths you already have that will make change easier!

Initially though, the client or child may persist in behaviors that actually bolster their belief that it is better not to fail while trying! To succeed, they will need to get a “Mindset Makeover”, set goals the research-based way, approach challenges with personalized strategies, and get feedback in meaningful ways.  Instead of focusing on thoughts about having one’s inadequacy found out, a coach can reveal the strengths of the client and how to use them in new ways to support growth through changes.

Is is makeover time?


About the author

Sherri Fisher, MEd, MAPP, executive coach and learning specialist, delivers personalized strategies that unlock cognitive strengths, challenge behavioral myths, and empower unique learning potential at work, school, and home. She has decades of successful experience working with students, parents, and professionals who face learning, attention, and executive function challenges at school, home, and work.

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