The Effort Myth

Today’s Book Launch Day! FAQ’s for Getting and Giving The Effort Myth

Here are the top questions I’ve received about getting your copy of The Effort Myth today:

I don’t have a Kindle device so how can I read the Kindle version of the book?

No worries! Just download the free Kindle app on Amazon and you can read the book on your phone, tablet, or laptop.

You can choose the right version for your device (IOS, Android, Mac, or PC)

Do I need an Amazon account to download the app and read the book?

Yes. Opening an account is free. Use this link.

Once your account is open, you can download the app for your device.

I am having a problem downloading the app or buying the Kindle book on my iOS device– iPhone or iPad. How do I fix it?

A helpful reader sent in this. Just follow the instructions in this article to resolve the issue between Amazon and Apple devices.

I am in another country and can’t buy from the link provided. How can I purchase The Effort Myth today?

Just use this link.

Can I gift copies to others?

Yes! That’s an awesome idea! Here are the steps to follow: 

  1. Go to the book page on Amazon and look on the right side for “Buy for Others” box
  2. Choose the quantity of eBooks you are purchasing 
  3. Select the button to “Buy for Others”.
  4. Input the email address of the person/people you want to “gift” into the appropriate field. 
  5. Write the message you want Amazon to send to the recipients.
  6. Choose the delivery date of “Now
  7. Finalize and pay for your purchase. 
  8. Alert the person(s) to whom you gifted the eBook of your purchase as soon as you can by phone or text. To the extent possible, we want gift purchases to count toward sales on launch day. Ask them to immediately open the gift link that they have received by email and to follow the prompts to download and open their special gift today.

I am a print book person, not a Kindle reader. Is there a paperback version? How can I get a copy?

I love print books too! The paperback will be available for purchase in less than a week! In the meantime, you can start reading the insightful information in the book and support the launch today for only $.99.

Thank you!



About the author

Sherri Fisher, MEd, MAPP, executive coach and learning specialist, delivers personalized strategies that unlock cognitive strengths, challenge behavioral myths, and empower unique learning potential at work, school, and home. She has decades of successful experience working with students, parents, and professionals who face learning, attention, and executive function challenges at school, home, and work.

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