Three Gifts

Got The Effort Myth? Get Your Workbooks

No one should have to suffer to be an effective learner. Often, children would try harder if they only knew how. Fortunately, you are a key person in any child’s life-long learning.

It can be easy to see lack of motivation as a child’s own problem to fix. The truth is that students depend on relationships with others, especially with their parents, to launch the behaviors that lead to independence.

Education need not be about creating barriers to learning.

Learning is every person’s birthright!

Instead we can give every child The Three Gifts of Motivation: academic and emotional skills that lead to competence; structure that leads to effective habits for supporting quality choices, and tools for creating hopeful, purposeful self-direction.

Get your two free workbooks to support your journey through my best-seller The Effort Myth: How to Give Your Child the Three Gifts of Motivation

About the author

Sherri Fisher, MEd, MAPP, executive coach and learning specialist, delivers personalized strategies that unlock cognitive strengths, challenge behavioral myths, and empower unique learning potential at work, school, and home. She has decades of successful experience working with students, parents, and professionals who face learning, attention, and executive function challenges at school, home, and work.

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