

Beyond SMART: Flexible Goals That Work

Traditional goal-setting methods often follow the SMART criteria—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This framework has its merits, and it can sometimes lead to frustration, especially when unforeseen obstacles arise. For instance, setting a goal to exercise for 30 minutes every day might seem achievable, but what happens when you’re sick, have a busy workday,...
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How to Bust Procrastination: Part Three — Build Micro-Habits

In Part One of this series, you learned that procrastination is your brain’s way of helping you feel better temporarily when you are perhaps feeling angry, anxious, or overwhelmed. But it can leave you in a holding pattern of “probably”.  In Part Two of this series, you learned about Mindfulness Interval Training. This helps shift...
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How to Bust Procrastination: Part Two — Use Mindfulness Interval Training

In Part One of this series, you learned that procrastination is your brain’s way of helping you feel better temporarily when you are perhaps feeling angry, anxious, or overwhelmed. But it can leave you in a holding pattern of “probably”.  In this post you’ll learn a simple technique to manage emotions that may lead you...
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How to Bust Procrastination: Part One — Push Past Probably

When you intend to do something, do you leave a lot of latitude for not doing it? If you are a chronic procrastinator, you might. Intending to do something, in a well-meaning sort of way, implies that you probably will do it. I’ll probably do it this week. I’ll probably get around to it later....
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Savoring and Reflection: How I Found New Goodness in an Old Year

Sometimes we are so busy that we don’t stop to appreciate the goodness in our activities or feel grateful for the people in our lives. This can happen to anyone. It happened to me even though I am trained to know better! In January this year, I was feeling stuck and a bit bored. It was cold...
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Got The Effort Myth? Get Your Workbooks

No one should have to suffer to be an effective learner. Often, children would try harder if they only knew how. Fortunately, you are a key person in any child’s life-long learning. It can be easy to see lack of motivation as a child’s own problem to fix. The truth is that students depend on...
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Today’s Book Launch Day! FAQ’s for Getting and Giving The Effort Myth

Here are the top questions I’ve received about getting your copy of The Effort Myth today: I don’t have a Kindle device so how can I read the Kindle version of the book? No worries! Just download the free Kindle app on Amazon and you can read the book on your phone, tablet, or laptop....
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Dare to Enjoy: Build These 4 Practical Skills While Having Fun!

What are you doing for self-help during this crazy time? Maybe it’s eating healthier, finding regular sleep rhythms or getting outside more. Brene Brown challenges us to “Dare greatly.” Elizabeth Gilbert entreats us to: “Be the weirdo who dares to enjoy.” But it doesn’t have to be weird or dangerous to have fun, and it...
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How to Get Your Kid to (Not) Try Harder

When I was growing up, dinner was my least favorite time of day.  First, there were the five very explicit rules. You will be in your seat, quiet and ready to eat at 5 pm. You will not complain or ask for something else. No dessert if you are not done when the adults are....
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How to Get Your Kid (Not) to Practice

When our son was in first grade, he wanted to take guitar lessons. We asked around and found a professional musician-teacher who was highly recommended by his school and by other parents. We bought a beginner’s guitar for a child’s small hands. We found a time that worked for the teacher and for us.  We...
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